Sunday, November 25, 2012

Worst Blogger Ever

Hello all,

Yes I realize that it has been a really long time since my last post, and unfortunately this post isn't going to be very long. As I can see from everyones post on Facebook the term is going by quickly and there is just not enough time. Well, that is definitely true here! I am finishing up USS Klakring this week and then will be working on editing other histories, I think, for the rest of my time here, which is only three weeks! I thought that this would be the term in which I would be more organized and get my work done in a timely manner, but that is not the case. I have managed to put off many different assignments and I am now seriously regretting it. Have no fear however, I work best in tight time constraints!

While I still am loving DC I have decided I am ready to come home. It is not that I necessarily want to return to Wisconsin or Iowa but I miss the people. Everyone here is great, I just miss my friends and my family. These last three weeks are going to fly. There is so much to do and so little time. My roommate and I have a list of everything we are going to try and fit in before we leave, it is a long list. I will try and do an update later in the week, but I am making no promises!

Until next time,